New Zealand Ice Figure Skating Association Inc.
New Zealand Ice Figure Skating Association Inc.

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Highest Scores for Ann Julie ARNESEN

IJS Events: 2005 onwards

Highest Total Scores

Ann Julie ARNESENNORJunior Ladies2006JGP Spin of Norway88.7518 / 30
Julie-Anne TAYLORAUSAdult Ladies Silver2011 Australian Nationals30.454 / 12


Highest Combined TES Scores

Ann Julie ARNESENNORJunior Ladies2006JGP Spin of Norway88.7546.5143.24? / 30


Highest Short/Original Scores

AthleteNatDisciplineYearEventShort TSSTESPCSPlace
Ann Julie ARNESENNORJunior Ladies2006JGP Spin of Norway30.3816.9514.4320 / 30


Highest Free Scores

AthleteNatDisciplineYearEventFree TSSTESPCSPlace
Ann Julie ARNESENNORJunior Ladies2006JGP Spin of Norway58.3729.5628.8114 / 30
Julie-Anne TAYLORAUSAdult Ladies Silver2011 Australian Nationals30.459.6520.804 / 12